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Honor of qualification

GonGi Company Social Responsibility:

1. For shareholders: the distribution of dividends (quantity and time).
2. Employees or unions: considerable income levels; stability of work; good working environment; opportunities for improvement.
3. For the government: support for government calls and policies; compliance with laws and regulations.
4. For suppliers: Time to guarantee payment.
6. For consumers/agents: the value of the product (the relationship between product price and quality, performance and service); the convenience of the product or service.
7. For the community in which it is located: contribution to environmental protection; contribution to social development (taxation, donation, direct participation); contribution to solving social problems.
8. For trade and industry associations: number of participation activities; support for various activities (economic).
9. For competitors: fair competition; growth rate; innovation in products, technology and services.
10. For special interest groups: provide equal employment opportunities; support for urban construction; contributions to persons with disabilities, children and women's organizations.